Tax tips for foreigners in Spain
01 JUN 2023
Are you facing problems dealing with Spanish Tax Authorities?
Bartolome & Briones is pleased to invite you to a breakfast talk focused on TIPS to solve tax issues that foreigners have while living in Spain.
Some of the the topics will include:
- Rental income from real estate assets abroad. Tips to solve issues with the Spanish Tax Authorities (expenses invoices, depreciation of construction, etc.),
- Deduction in Spain of taxes paid abroad.
- Sale of the habitual residence – exemption.
- Wealth Tax and new Temporary Solidarity Tax on Large Fortunes.
- Tax residency: Special tax regime for inpatriates (Beckham Law) / Exit tax.
The breakfast will be on Thursday, June 1, at 9:00 a.m. at our Barcelona office.
If you are not able to attend in person, you can also join the event by zoom.
Please confirm onsite or online attendance by email to before Tuesday, May 30.